The Canadian Battery Association started its Stewardship Program for Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick in 2015.  The Maritime Provinces represents a unique region where the majority of the distribution and recovery of lead-acid batteries occurs from Moncton, NB.  As such, the sales and recovery data for lead-acid batteries is skewed toward New Brunswick.  However, when the combined results from the Maritime Provinces are compared to the sales and recovery data for Canada, the results normalize on a per capita basis.



2015 Lead-Acid Sales & Recovery Data for the Maritime Provinces

Automotive Batteries NB NS PEI Maritimes Canada
Sales(kg) 4,820,000 2,800,000 407,000 8,027,000 150,000,000
Sales(kg) / Capita 6.391 2.969 2.775 4.352 4.164
Recovery(kg) 4,731,000 622,000 116,000 5,469,000 102,600,000
Recovery(kg) / Capita 6.274 0.658 0.794 2.9630 2.853
Recovery Rate 98% 22% 29% 68%




2015 Annual Report for Prince Edward Island


2015 Annual Report for New Brunswick